Friday, March 4, 2011

31 Day Photo and Prompt Challenge - Day 5

**Linking up to It's Gravy Baby's 31 Day Photo and Prompt Challenge**

Day 5 - Your Day (written on Friday)

Since we are a homeschooling family and our days vary so much I decided to show what we did today.

We had our annual Science Fair and Curriculum Show. Beanie decided not to participate this year, so we only had Nanners. (Who's lovin' the bright orange shirt she earned for participating?)

She chose to do a

Fantastic Foamy Fountain!

Sounds like fun, huh? Of couse it was! We got the idea off Science Bob's site. They have tons of other great ideas too, a friend of ours used the ketchup one for his experiment. If you are interested in making this awesome project yourself head over to Science Bob's site and you'll find it. Simple, fun and inexpensive - AKA awsome for mommy and kid!

Oh and what did Baby Big Girl find...a gymnastics vendor and their cool mats! She spents so much time there that the girls running the table knew her name before the day ended. Seriously thinking we might need one of those foam triangle thingies at home. It looks like she's just sliding down, but she actually just landed her "roll".

So for today's recap:

~Stress over sick Spunky Girl who kept me up until 5 am!

~Attend Science Fair only because of my motherly duties and a large Frappe (thanks to some friends on facebook suggesting it)

~Stop off and hang out with friend for several hours

~Come home and blog :)

1 comment:

  1. We absolutely love Science Bob! We used alot of the site's resources for a Science Party one year.

    Making yogurt is so easy. The hardest part is that it takes awhile to be ready. I usually make it later in the day and then have it sit overnight. I have not found the correct combo for the kids. My Anna is easy as she likes sour cream. Ethan is a bit pickier. I did post a video up on my site if you are interested.

    We really don't eat that healthy yet.. lol. My goals is to make small lasting changes.
